Animal Naturopathy
is a big part of our lives at Highland Glenn. With this series of posts I will
introduce you to the naturopathic Eight
Laws of Health.
A handy acronym to remember the Eight Laws is NEWSTART. They are: nutrition,
exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, rest, and trust. Nature’s laws are
not optional; one cannot break them without certain consequences following.
I’ve never been more keenly aware of the importance of each as I have become since
moving to the country.
Nutrition – Law One
I will refer to canine carnivores, but this information applies
to all animals. They all need a diet
appropriate for their species. Dogs are “facultative carnivores” meaning
they are largely carnivorous, but have the ability to digest small amounts of
plant matter. In order to thrive and not
simply survive, they need primarily meat, organs, and bones. The
Smithsonian Institute categorizes dogs as Canus lupus familiaris. DNA
testing confirms that dogs are more closely related to the Grey Wolf, Canus
lupus, than previously realized.
The canine
digestive system cannot truly digest grains such as corn, rice, and wheat
since they do not produce the enzyme Amylase in their saliva which is specific
to the digestion of carbohydrates. Along with putrefaction, an overabundance of
yeast can establish itself in a dog's digestive tract due to these products
causing bloating and discomfort, but also contributes to disease as well as a
“friendly” environment for both internal and external parasites. Commercial dog food manufacturers use grain
as fillers to help the dog feel full. These grains are less expensive than
high quality protein sources thus keeping their production costs down. Eating
foods high in fillers means more to be eliminated as unused waste. All of this
translates into many stinky piles in the yard to clean up!
Take a close look at your dog's teeth. Their teeth and jaws were designed for ripping
and tearing, not chewing and grinding like the flat molars of humans,
although their molars are suited to some grinding action. The teeth are all
pointed and/or jagged to shear, cut through, and nibble-off meat; and their
jaws are hinged to crunch through bone and swallow large pieces of meat.
Although some do feed their dogs ground meat, we don't feel it's quite
biologically appropriate. We feed whole pieces, with bone in. This is where it comes
into play that they are benefited mentally. To see the look of
contentment on your dog’s face as he truly enjoys his food, perhaps for the
first time in his life, is a beautiful thing!
Feeding a raw diet takes only a bit more time and
forethought. By feeding your dog only natural foods that are biologically active
and species appropriate, his internal and external body condition is increased.
The likelihood of him developing disease
is greatly reduced. Visits to the veterinarian due to problems are all but
eliminated; in fact, 'wellness visits' will be the norm instead!
When you choose to
feed a raw diet, your dog will be healthier and happier!
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